Why Do So Many Couples Divorce in January?

When the New Year comes around, so do New Year’s resolutions. For some, their resolutions are to lose excess body weight. For others, their resolutions are to travel to different countries. Still, some hope to achieve far more drastic, life-changing experiences—divorce.

Various studies show that January is the most popular month for individuals to file for divorce. Unhappy spouses may view the New Year as the most opportune time to wipe the slate clean. For some, wiping the slate clean could mean leaving an unfulfilling and unhealthy marriage.

Still, there are other reasons why many couples choose to wait to file in January. Our New York divorce lawyers have listed two other reasons below:

1. “Let’s stay together for the children. It’s almost Christmas.”

In many cases, couples who share children choose to stay together through the end of the year to keep families intact during the holiday season. Many feel that divorcing during the holiday season can negatively affect their children’s memories.

2. “Maybe finances will be easier to split later.”

Some individuals wait to file for divorce due to tax purposes. A spouse may know their partner will receive a financial bonus during the holiday season and may hold off filing for divorce so they can acquire part of their partner’s bonus.

We Can Stand by Your Side Through the Divorce Process

At Eiges & Orgel, PLLC, our attorneys are ready to help you through any family law related matter. We know that divorce doesn’t just affect you and your spouse. That is why we take the time to consider all parties involved with your case. When you work with our firm, you won’t just have a compassionate lawyer on your side; you will have an entire team fighting on your behalf.

To discuss your case, contact our lawyers at Eiges & Orgel, PLLC today. We can make you and your family our first priority.

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