Will Facebook Be a Part of Your Divorce Case?

It may come as a surprise to learn that “Facebook divorce” is a real term. This phrase refers to the increased number of divorces that have occurred as a result of discoveries made on different social networking websites such as Facebook, Twitter, and more.

Aside from allowing old friends and family members to reconnect with each other, these sites open forms of communication that have led to divorce and child custody battles. In addition, social media sites provide access for divorce lawyers to discover much about a spouse’s activities. In fact, according to a survey conducted by the American Association of Matrimony Lawyers, roughly two-thirds of lawyers in America use Facebook as a primary source of information used throughout divorce cases.

Below is a list of discoveries some divorce attorneys have made using Facebook:

  • Tagged photographs that show parents participating in recreational activities despite their inability to see their children due to “time constraints or busy schedules”
  • Posts about location that conflict with a spouse’s supposed business trip
  • Posts that suggest forms of infidelity such as the change in relationship statuses
  • Posts that suggest infidelity in the form of conversations with other persons outside of the marriage

Although social media websites are used as private forms of communication, an experienced lawyer can use information supplied on these sites as evidence of infidelity or other mischievous acts that may produce or support a family law-related matter.

Considering Divorce? Eiges & Orgel, PLLC is Here to Help

At Eiges & Orgel, PLLC, our attorneys understand how difficult and daunting the divorce process can be. That is why we are here. Whether you are considering divorce, have questions or concerns regarding child custody matters, or would simply like to discuss your case, our team is here to help. When you become our client, we will take the time to understand the intricacies of your case and can formulate a strategy to help you achieve a positive outcome.

With over 35 years of experience, our New York divorce lawyers are ready to help! Call us today.

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