Divorce: 5 Mistakes to Avoid During the Process

Divorce can be a frustrating and difficult process. It can affect you emotionally, mentally, and physically. To help with the process, we have listed a few mistakes to avoid when filing for divorce. By avoiding these five errors, the process of divorce may be less frustrating than you had expected.

1. Not Hiring an Attorney

Many individuals assume the divorce process will be simple without the help pf an attorney. However, an experienced divorce lawyer can be extremely beneficial to both parties during the progression. When you choose to work with a knowledgeable divorce attorney, you can rest easy knowing a professional has calculated all possible outcomes and costs.

2. Splitting Retirement Accounts by Specific Dollar Amounts

This may not seem like a major issue but it has the potential of causing negative effects for the remainder of a person’s life. This largest problem with splitting retirement assets using dollar amounts is inflation. Because of the fluctuating economy, the dollar amount can increase or decrease in value. With this being said, $25,000 can end up being the entire value of what once was a $50,000 retirement fund. So, if a couple decides to split the account by dollar amount, one person can end up with far less money than the other if inflation fluctuates.

3. Not Considering the Children (If Any)

While a divorce primarily involves the spouses, it affects all family members connected with the two individuals, especially children. Couples with children should recognize the emotional damages that may occur when children are involved through the divorce process. That is why it is crucial for parents to discuss the situation with their children, what will be happening in their lives, and how they will be taken care of through the progression. Counseling and therapy can also benefit children with divorcing parents.

4. Trusting that Your Spouse is Looking Out for Your Best Interest

Some divorces are not ugly. However, divorce is made up of tiny details that can create unpleasant situations. During the process, it is important that both parties work together while remaining calm and collected. Additionally, divorcing couples should avoid informal agreements at all costs which is why it is important to involve an experienced divorce lawyer. A knowledgeable divorce attorney may help both persons avoid any unnecessary obstacles.

5. Not Remaining Proactive

It is crucial that both persons are proactive during the divorce process. Divorce can progress in a non-tumultuous manner if both individuals are willing to work together. Of course, the process can run smoother when a divorce attorney is involved. This will ensure that each person cared for throughout the process, including any shared children.

Considering Divorce? Eiges & Orgel, PLLC Can Help

If you and your spouse are considering divorce, speak with a lawyer from our firm right away. We can help make the process simple. Our team can work hard to make sure you are informed regarding every decision throughout the process. Don’t hesitate; begin the journey to a successful and happy future today.

To discuss you situation, contact a New York divorce attorney at Eiges & Orgel, PLLC today. Our firm is backed with over 35 years of experience.

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